📬 Interpol moves enters the metaverse to promote global virtual law enforcement
📬 4400 disgruntled investors become vigilantes in the hunt for Terra’s Do Kwon
📬 Celo’s Moola Market recovers $8.4M from the $9.1M looted in recent attack
📬 Bankrupt Three Arrows Capital reportedly under investigation by U.S. regulators
📬 52% of ethereum blocks face censorship from OFAC-compliant flashbots
📬 Bitcoin (BTC) & crypto market recovers – Ethereum Name Service (ENS) up 20% in 24H
📬 October becomes the worst month for crypto hacks with over $718M stolen
📬 Mango Markets and TempleDAO lose $119 million in latest DeFi exploits.
📬 Terra Classic USD (USTC) spikes 50% as Circle’s USDC falls to yearly low.
📬 Dapper bans NFT operations for Russian users following new E.U. sanctions
📬 Binance Smart Chain resumes operation after $570 million theft in exploit
📬 The top 3 executives of Celsius withdrew $56m in crypto before bankruptcy